
a lingering winter wonderland

As I look out my window,
My breath fogs the glass,
Melting the tiny crystals that should have disappeared weeks previously.
My hopes for a long spring
Were buried under the inches of snow
That coats the frozen ground.
My hopes for a short winter,
Were blown away a long time ago.
Tea is still in season,
Long socks are still appropriate,
And buckets of salt are still needed.
Winter is the most stubborn of houseguests.
I'm begging her not to stay much longer.



marky boy // basketball

Sport is where an entire life can be compressed 
into a few hours, where the emotions of a lifetime
can be felt on an acre or two of ground,
where a person can suffer and die and rise again on six miles of trails
through a New York City park.  
Sport is a theater where sinner can turn saint
and a common man become an uncommon hero,
where the past and the future can fuse with the present. 
Sport is singularly able
to give us peak experiences
where we feel completely one with the world
and transcend all conflicts as we finally become our own potential. 
-George A. Sheehan

I've honestly never met another 10-year old boy who can throw, dribble, or hit a ball as well as this boy can. I know I sound like an insufferable, boasting older sister, but it's true. Mark is a Jack-of-all trades, he's good at everything he tries. Basketball, football, tennis, baseball, ultimate, hockey, you name it and he's done it with success.
I'm dreading the day when he outruns me, I'll never live it down ;)



life as of late No. 4

001. Spring is hiding.
it's really frustrating me. It's the middle of March, and still everything is dead. No blooms or blossoms, not a thing. WHERE IS SPRING? Ahem. If any of you could mail me some spring, it would make me deliriously happy. I loved Kenzie's post today, I could practically smell those bright pink flowers. Drop by and see for yourself how spring has been generous to her :)

002. I am a highschool basketball fanatic.
the highschool basketball season has almost come to a close, I thought it was only appropriate to mention my obsession extreme support for my team. It's not just me, though. Almost the entire school is keeping up with the games and scores. The semifinals of states are in a few days, and I am SO pumped.   So. Pumped. LET'S GOOOOOO!!!! Okay. I'm good.

003. hannah therese
Alright, I might as well get too it: "beautiful" is now "hannah therese". Why? Because "beautiful" is too cliche, and not memorable. And "hannah therese" is the title that defines me best because, well, it's my name. I also cleaned up the design a bit. Okay, a lot. The previous one was too cluttered, and I like the simple, clean lines in this one. I moved the followers gadget to the bottom and condensed the sidebar considerably. I'm still tweaking little things, but it's pretty much done. And I updated the about me page, so feel free to stop by there :)
All in all, it feels nice and fresh for spring. (whenever spring decides to mosy its way around here...)
Thoughts on the new look?



recent designs

Hola bloggy friends! I have been working on a few different design jobs the past few days, and I wanted to show you a few of them :)

I just finished installing this one-I really like how clean yet elegant it is.

this design is pre-made and available in my etsy shop in 3 different colors!
You can get your own design at my design shop. Happy Thursday!



i heart photos

Because I felt creative, and because I love old photos, and because I like to switch up my room decoration, I spent a few hours doing this...

out with the old 



drawings // dance

Getting back into drawing mode has been such a good thing for me, and I've been into this ballet-stage recently. I've never been a dancer, but I often wish I had the ability to leap into a perfect jeté without pulling every single muscle in my legs. Dancers have the gift of expressing their emotions with movements in an artful form. I put their form of art into my form of art. Enjoy :)



discovering me v.1

I'm finding out several things about myself. Not big, life-changing things, but things that I've been aware of but never acknowledged. Here are my recent discoveries:

1. I have a love/hate relationship with the letter "r"
Let's just get this straight: I like the sound Rs make. Scratch that: I love the sound they make. Rs twirl off your tongue in such a way that they make words interesting. You can roll them, click them, breathe them, and strain them. But I can't stand the shape of them. Why? I have no idea. Rs are awkward to write, especially lowercase ones. They are a nuisance to the hand, and a pleasure to the tongue. Can you agree?

2. I am a fickle person and I need to take my time while making decisions.
I think I've always known this, but I've never expressed it to you guys. But it's true, I'm very fickle and I'm terrible at making decisions. If I have to choose between bacon or sausage, it'll take me a few minutes to decide. You ask me would I rather get the coral shorts or the turquoise ones? I'll get back to you in a day or so. And I did like that photo a week ago, but I think it's time for an updated one. And let's not even get started on blog designs. No really, let's not get started ;)

3. I do not take haircuts lightly.
I found this out recently, since I just got my haircut about a week and a half ago. I rarely let people touch my hair, and when I do I have high expectations. But no one knows my hair like I do, and unfortunately it shows. Volume is one thing, but pouf is an entirely another. I must admit, my hair is much more bouncy now that it's a bit shorts and cleaned up, but I do miss the length. But hair is hair, and it always grows back :)

Have you made any little discoveries about yourself lately?