
a little dose of happiness pt ii

happiness to me is...

When a good friends hives you cupcakes for your birthday. Oh, did I forget to mention that i am now fourteen? Yep, I think I did ;) I have a slightly unfortunate birthday though, since its on 9/11.
Ten years. Wow. Keep all those people in your prayers :)

Whats your favorite birthday treat?



  1. Happy belated birthday! I looove chocolate cake with chocolate icing for my birthday. My mom has a secret recipe :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I now know 4 people with the 9/11 birthday :P

  3. I know someone with a 9/11 birthday so it's okay. And guess what? Cupcakes make me happy, too :))
    -Jocee <3

  4. happy belated birthday! I just found your blog off of cameras and cupcakes ;) I would love to follow each other, only if you like my blog of course!


  5. Love. Those cupcakes would not last a hour at my house ;)

  6. Happy late birthday!

    I have been off of blogger for so long, it is so nice to see other people blogging still. :) because some people I followed just aren't there anymore.

    Also, a friend of mine has her BDAY on 9/11. She says she gets a lot of comments, "poor you. Your BDAY on 9/11. You must feel awful." when in truth, she feels bad like anyone else about that, but not because it's her birthday and people died. I've brought up that point a few times to people, that others were BORN on that day. Sooo many people were born on that day.

    Anyways, I hope you had a happy birthday!


I'd love to hear what you thought about this post! Just keep your comments clean ;)
