
life as of late

Christmas was a blur. I nice blur, don't get me wrong, but still a blur. I honestly can't believe how fast this year went.
On Christmas morning we woke up later than usual (7:30) and Mark led the family downstairs, jumping and turning his stocking upside-down to reveal an assortment of goodies.

When the stockings were done, he charged into the dining room, where our main tree is set up, and therefore, where the gifts were.
(sorry for all the poor-quality photos in this post, but I was just focusing on getting the shot, not on flash or camera settings, etc.)

It was sad, though, because this year is probably the last year where he'll associate Christmas with a fat man who rides in a sleigh delivering toys to all the children in the world.

Today, I awoke and picked up the book I got yesterday and just lied in my bed read for an hour. If you're wondering what book I got, it was the Hunger Games. LOOOVVEE! (I'm only on page two-hundred something, so don't give anything away!)

This morning after I read I headed down for breakfast, and happily treated myself to one of those^^^. I got two for Christmas :)

What did you do over Christmas weekend?

p.s. I'm currently planning something really big involving my etsy shop, so be on the lookout for a special post in the next couple of days!


  1. Merry Christmas!! I love your pictures!

  2. gorgeous food photos. really. love them.
    -jocee <3

  3. OOOOOOOH, girl. The Hunger Games? Mm, YUM. Best books ever. I won't give anything away for you, but you will be dying to read the next one, I guarantee! Have fun with Katniss and Peeta ;)

  4. OHHH,I want to read the Hunger games! Please write a reveiw at the end of your reading journey!!

  5. I love the Hunger Games! can't wait for the movie :)

  6. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas this year! :) My family and I went over to my grandparents house (my dad's side) and had Christmas dinner with them, along with the extended family.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. I like your etsy! Etsy's are fun!


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